TODAY’S HOURS 9.00am – 5.30pm

Rita Botanicals launches at White Lion Walk

Rita Botanicals launches at White Lion Walk

Introducing Rita Botanicals: A Heartwarming Tale of Two Ritas

At White Lion Walk, we’re thrilled to welcome Rita Botanicals, a plant business rooted in family, tradition, and the power of nature. Founded by Rita, who was named after her beloved Italian grandmother, Nonna Rita, this venture is not just a success story, but a deeply personal one.

Nonna Rita, Rita’s best friend, has been a guiding light in her life. Singing Italian songs, watching game shows, and talking about food were their cherished moments together. But as Nonna Rita’s memory fades due to dementia, their bond changed. The vibrant basil that once grew in her windowsill no longer thrives.

However, plants became Rita’s solace during this difficult time. Each stem, each leaf unfurling, kept her connected to her Nonna. In tribute to her grandmother’s love for nature, Rita dreams of creating a space where people can experience the wonders of plants, especially the elderly. Through gardening workshops and plant care sessions, she wants to give back to the community and provide a sanctuary amidst the concrete jungle.

Driven by her passion, Rita left her marketing job and immersed herself in the world of plants. Now, Rita Botanicals has found a home at White Lion Walk, where we celebrate the healing power of nature and the intergenerational bond. Join us in embracing our roots as we grow together and create a thriving community.

Welcome to Rita Botanicals, where passion, tradition, and the beauty of plants come alive.

To discover more about Rita click here: